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Value Based Management for Small to Medium Sized Enterprises

by: webmaster
on: October 13, 2017
Wordcount: 142

Large public and Venture Funded enterprises compete at a higher level because the cultures of these entities are continuously focused on VBM. In the past the SME has been limited by time, capital, and human resource to effectively apply the principles of VBM thus relegating the SME to a lower tier of competitive evolution leaving technology gains as the primary source of value improvement. This is further exacerbated by the owner-manager’s tendency to focus on personal growth and self actualization after attain a personally preferred level of economic freedom.
However with availability of reasonable priced valuation services, streamlined and expert accounting and financial reporting systems, and marketing technology- owner-managers of SME’s can now enjoy the financial and competitive benefits of driving a value based culture that will deliver unparalleled long term value.

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management consulting
management consulting
SME Management ToolsValue Based Management